Microchip RN2903 LoRa Transceiver Breakout Board

A breakout board for Microchip’s series of LoRa transceiver modules: RN2483 fully-certified 433/868 MHz Module (Europe) RN2903 fully-certified 915 MHz Module (North America, Australia) The RN2483/RN2903 LoRa modules contain a Microchip PIC18LF46K22 MCU with a Semtech SX1276 radio transceiver and is intended as a complete certified solution with LoRaWAN Class A protocol stack and


RAK833/RAK2247 LoRaWAN Concentrator

This board is a Raspberry PI Hat for the RAK833/RAK2247 LoRa Concentrator Gateway Modules. The RAK2247 is improved version of the RAK833 with better heatsinking, a boost in the maximum transmission power and improved interference immunity. Both are a smaller version of the popular RAK831. The RAK831 is larger, about